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Consultation / Coach 

If you're looking for extra support and guidance through a challenging situation, or you're just ready to move in a new direction in your life, I look forward to working with you to achieve your goals as a consultant.

Consultant on mind body integration.

Coaching you to help see what's possible not what's limiting.

Complementary Therapy

"Living Life As A Joyful Being: be ready for whatever life brings!"

Joy Jangdhari Author of  "Living Life As A Joyful Being: be ready for whatever life brings!'  book has been recommended by Gregory S Pokrywka MD Assistant Professor of Medicine John Hopkins University School of Medicine for clinicians to recommend it to their patients as part of a comprehensive life - style medicine approach. 

 Joy will explore with you Complementary therapies that can be  used alongside conventional medical treatments prescribed by your doctor. They can help people with cancer to feel better and may improve your quality of life. They may also help you to cope better with symptoms caused by the cancer or side effects caused by cancer treatment.

By applying complementary therapy approaches and techniques we will unearth long-standing behavior patterns or negative perceptions that may be holding you back from experiencing a more fulling and meaningful life.

This is a practice for those who may suffer from stress, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress. This includes three tools.

Breathing Techniques

Mindful Movement

Guided Rest

Yoga Therapy


"Technology for your Psychology"

Yoga is union, integration, wholeness includes physical and mental practices or disciplines.

Yoga Therapy

The yoga tradition views humans as a multidimensional system that includes all aspects of body; breath; and mind, intellect, and emotions and their mutual interaction. Yoga is founded

on the basic principle that intelligent practice can positively influence the direction of change within these human dimensions.

One cannot possible exist in this world without relationship. Either you're related to the past or to a person or to a concept of the future.

"Technology for your Psychology"

is approved continuing education program for health care professionals that allows the health care professional to investigate their own beliefs, fears, reactions and desire in relationship with others. 



Live Seminars

Multi-day seminars

Cruises Tours & Retreats

In-house training

Live Seminar Certificates 

"Living Life As A Joyful Being: be ready for whatever life brings!"


This program gives you the tools and techniques to live fully, authentically and joyfully!

To live in the center of calm is to be vibrantly alive, empowered and present even in the midst of stress and challenge.

Calm is actually a state of clear awareness and feeling fully "at home" in ourselves.

This workshop combines neuroscience, mind-body training, and social-emotional learning. This workshop empowers individual to enhance their physical, emotional social cognitive health.

This program has been recommended by Doctors, Teachers, Entrepreneurs! 

Technology for your Psychology


Technology for your Psychology wellness programs creates positive change in our education as it combines neuroscience, mind-body training, and social-emotional learning.

Building Emotional Resilience

Technology -The application of scientific knowledge for practical purpose.

Psychology- The scientific study of the human mind and it's functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.

This course teaches the participates to identify their own self-regulation (the ability to control one's internal stress response, as well as one's emotional response).

This will be reflected as resilience to stress and equanimity in the face of emotions, which leads to psychological self-efficiency.

This education can reduce an emotional uproar and provide a "calm in the storm" presence. It provides tools to access and begin to understand the internal landscape. The participants will apply methods to evaluate their own habitual responses, negative conditioning, and survival skills. They will be assisted in the self-study of thoughts, beliefs, fears, reactions, and desires and identify their own programming and conditioning. This provides that the clinician/patient relationship will be in concordance with Psychology theories to provide a model for understanding human thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

This program has been recommended by Doctors, Teachers, Entrepreneurs!  



Practicing Social-Emotional Habits that Facilitate Emotionally Resilience.

Self-investigation skillsSteps to emotional freedom include techniques that promote team building, physical health (through movement and exercise) focus, mindfulness, memory, emotional wellness, confidence in the participant's awareness: Self-awareness involves knowing your own feelings. This includes having an accurate assessment of what you’re capable of when you need help, and what your emotional triggers are.

Self-management: This involves being able to keep your emotions in check when they become disruptive. Self-management involves being able to control outbursts, calmly discussing disagreements, and avoiding activities that undermine you like extended self-pity or panic.

Motivation: Everyone is motivated to action by rewards like money or status. , however, refers to a motivation for the sake of personal joy, curiosity, or the satisfaction of being productive.

Empathy: While the three previous categories refer to a person’s internal emotions, this one deals with the emotions of others. Empathy is the skill and practice of reading the emotions of others and responding appropriately.

Social skills: This category involves the application of empathy as well as negotiating the needs of others with your own. This can include finding common ground with others, managing others in a work environment, and being persuasive. This program discusses the level of emotional fitness that can be determined by.

Identifying the characteristics of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, reactions, and actions at any given time.




Experience tools and techniques to leave old mechanical habits behind and begin to become more mindful and release bodily tension.

Employees are the best asset of every organization, and putting effort into employee wellness can encourage better teamwork, increased productivity and reduce sick leave and workplace accidents.

1. This program evaluates our view on intelligence

2. Identify the characteristics of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, reactions, and actions at any given time.



Change the psychology of someone you can change their life

As you go through life you usually look at other people and events from your own perspective and only situations from your own point of view. Each and every one of us fight to defend and protect our own point of view and perspectives... but do you really know what you are fighting to defend and protect? When the look inward brings "bad news"



Self-investigation skills

Staying in the Present moment and being mindful

First, we will look at the idea of identifying the characteristics of your feelings, thoughts, reactions, and actions at any given moment. We could call that "who you are being", but instead let's call that "how you are being" (there is an important distinction that we will examine in a little while). With this context, the description of "how you are being" at the time a situation is occurring can include:

What are you thinking

How you are feeling

What you are telling yourself about your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

Deep Breathing for lung cleansing 


Oxygenate all your cells and movement to release tension in the body and lung cleansing.

Breathing practices, cause greater oxygenation and detoxification of the blood, brain, and tissues of the body. Breathing practice nourishes the parasympathetic function of the nervous system, which governs our ability to relax and feel okay. This is an important key to greater mental and emotional flexibility.

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